Match & Persist Fund
The Match and Persist Fund supports students financially in the match and persist process. KIPP Forward Match supports current high school seniors in the decision-making phase. Match funds will be used to close the financial gap, oftentimes covering a small gap in tuition, for a student to attend their higher match college option for four years. The Persistence Fund is intended for current students in their post-secondary pathway who have financial aid gaps that could affect year-to-year persistence. These one-time, emergency funds are eligible to cover room and board, books, supplies, travel, etc.
If you are interested in donating to the Match and Persist fund please email
We Offer Four Types of Partnerships
- Curriculum and programming investments
- Funding for internships
- Funding for full time employees
- Match and Persist Fund
- Fund a day in the life of a KIPPster
- Invest in career integration, student services, alumni entrepreneurship
Career Integration
- Internship opportunities for alumni
- Career Immersion Experiences
- Mock interview day
- Career day
- Volunteering opportunities
Student Services
- State resources
- Mental health resources
- Homelessness resources
- Life/SEL skills training
- Learning disability services
- Legal services
Alumni Entrepreneurship
- Business as a vendor
- In-kind services
- Leverage career opportunities for current students
- Volunteer opportunities
Level of Partnership Investments
We ask:
$500-$5,000 and In Kind
We Offer:
- Mentioned in newsletter & website press release
- Social media announcement
- Volunteer opportunities
- Listed on website Donors page
We ask:
$5,000-$20,000 and In Kind
We Offer:
- Mentioned in newsletter & website press release
- Social media announcement
- Volunteer opportunities
- Listed on website Donors page
- Logo / name at events
- KIPP Forward swag
Team and Family
We ask:
$25,000-$45,000 and In Kind
We Offer:
- Mentioned in newsletter & website press release
- Social media announcement
- Volunteer opportunities
- Listed on website Donors page
- Collateral that thanks them at every event
- Internships
- Logo / name at events
- KIPP Forward swag
To and Through
We ask:
$50,000+ and In Kind
We Offer:
- Press release on website and social media
- Volunteer day named after company
- Featured on website
- Roundtable with alumni or graduating seniors
- Collateral that thanks them at every event
- Room named after company
- KIPP Forward swag & logos at events
KIPPterns Program
The KIPPtern program expands access to coveted political internships that are often out of reach for economically disadvantaged students because they are almost always unpaid.
Through the KIPPtern program, KIPP MA provides students with a stipend to participate in an unpaid internship during 8 weeks over the summer. In 2019, when the program initially launched, four students interned with state and local officials in Lynn and Boston. In 2020, we had 6 KIPPterns participate in remote internships with Representative Brandy Fluker Oakley, The Blue Lab, Senator Brendan Crighton, and Union Capital Boston. In 2021 7 students participated in virtual internships, including with now Mayor Michelle Wu. Please help expand access to opportunity and give our students a seat at the table and the experiences they deserve as they build their careers. Check out the reflections of our 2020 KIPPterns below:

Apply to be a KIPPtern
If you need help with creating a cover letter, click here and here. If you need help with creating a resume, click here and here.
- February 11th- Application opens
- March 25th- Application closes
- March 30th- Students informed if they are chosen for an interview
- April 7th- Students chosen for KIPPterns Program
- April 12th- Students are matched with internship
- June 6th- First Day of internship
- July 29th- Last Day of internship
- August 5th- KIPPtern Closeout event
Donate to the KIPPterns Program
If you wish to donate with a check, please make your check payable to KIPP Massachusetts and send to:
KIPP MA c/o Rebecca Hazlett
90 High Rock Street
Lynn, MA 01902
Interested in partnering with KIPP Forward? email
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