- Leader: Katie Good, Director of Postsecondary Match
- Email: kgood@kippma.org
What is Match?
The KIPP Forward Match Team supports each student in identifying and pursuing their postsecondary education and career pathway of choice that meets their personal goals and sense of purpose. To ensure every student has the access, skills, and resources necessary to pursue their chosen path, the KIPP Forward Match Team actively builds and maintains relationships with students, alumni, families, and community members, to push for continuous improvement, increase inclusivity, and dismantle inequity.
Hear from Class of 2023 Seniors, Chidalu and Dieuson, about their experience with their Match counselor!

Who Do We Serve?
The Match Team serves KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate students, primarily in their junior and senior years.
What Services Do We
The Match Team supports students in their junior and senior years.
Juniors take a class called Junior Seminar which largely focuses on career and postsecondary exploration. Juniors are assigned a Match Counselor in their second semester and begin receiving one-on-one counseling.
Seniors take a class called Senior Seminar which focuses on postsecondary readiness, including application preparation and financial literacy. Seniors also meet one-on-one with their Match Counselor every two weeks to work on their individual plans, which includes developing wish lists, completing applications, financial aid, scholarships, and analyzing decisions.
Questions? email KIPPForward_Info@kippma.org
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