- Leader: Chelsie Hajos, Persistence Pathways Director
- Email: chajos@kippma.org
What Is Persistence Pathways?
Persistence supports students to and through their best fit post-secondary pathway.
We walk side-by-side with KIPPsters to explore their interests, skills, and priorities in order to navigate and identify their passion, purpose, and plan. We coach students toward choice-filled lives and fulfilling careers with upward mobility and financial freedom.
Our ultimate goal as the Persistence team is that all of our KIPP MA alumni have choice-filled lives and fulfilling careers with upward mobility and financial freedom. Our advisors work 1-on-1 with alumni through their first two years of post-secondary life to ensure they have the tools, resources, and support to be able to work towards those lives of freedom. We balance reality with opportunity and hope with a high level of support to meet the challenges our alumni face once they graduate from our schools.
Learn more about our Persistence Pathways Program!

Who Do We Serve?
Currently, our Persistence team supports students beginning in their senior year of high school and continues that support for 2-year and 4-year college and university attending students through the first two years of their program. They focus on development of a passion, purpose, and plan, three key components essential to persisting to and through their best fit program.
Our direct 1-on-1 support for alumni ends after their second year of post-secondary, but we are always available as a resource to share internships, scholarships, job opportunities, and to connect alumni with internal or external resources to help them achieve their goals.
What Services Do We
With Lynn & Boston alumni, we:
- Plan for their future
- Build relationships
- Support Families
- Hold Events & Workshops
- Advocate
- Provide Funding
See our Persistence Menu of Services for our robust breakdown of how we do what we do!
- Emphasis on the development of Passion, Purpose, Plan
- Financial literacy workshops
- One-on-one advising support
- Summer melt support
- Individualized Advising
- Parent meetings
- Celebration of accomplishments
- Senior Dinner
- Book Award
- KTCC Senior Award
- Strong Transitions
- Emphasis on belonging, development of self and community
- Individualized advising & coaching
- Financial & academic advising
- Socio/emotional wellness
- Events
- First Friday
- Workshops on vital skills/knowledge
- Financial literacy
- Financial support
- Emergency funds
Questions? email KIPPForward_Info@kippma.org
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