
New Research Shows KIPP Public Schools Are Closing the College Completion Gap!

Read the full study from Mathematica here.




Eight Essential Questions

Helping to prepare our students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose — college, career, and beyond is only possible if we know exactly how we are doing.

Data helps us understand what our true impact is, what is working, and what needs to be improved. Our Eight Essential Questions provide a yardstick by which to measure our progress, keep us focused as we grow, and—most important—help us keep the promises we make to our students and their families.

Who are our students?

Our student demographics mirror the districts we serve with comparable ELL, SPED, and Free/Reduced lunch numbers in both Lynn and Boston. (Please refer to individual school pages for school-specific demographics).

Are our students staying with us?

99% of KIPP MA students who started school year 2022-2023 with us are still with us.

Are our students growing and achieving?

We use internal assessments as well as state-wide assessments to monitor our students growth and achievement to ensure our students continue to grow year over year.

Are our students climbing the mountain to and through college and career?

86% of the Class of 2023 will matriculate to a BA or AA program, over 80% of the Class of 2022 and 2021 are persisting in their postsecondary education, and 46% of students from the Class of 2015 and 2016 have completed college

Are we making tangible progress and continuous growth on our journey to become an anti-racist organization?

We continue to improve in affirming the identity markers of our students and staff. We continue to assess the impact of school based Racial Justice Professional Development.

Are we positively engaging families?

80% of families agree or strongly agree they are co-authors in their child’s education.

Are we building a sustainable people model?

86% of our staff are returning for the 2023-2024 school year.

Are we building a sustainable financial model?

99% of our schools are fully enrolled with a healthy waitlist in Lynn and operating sustainably on the public dollar.

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