- Ph: 781-488-0087
- Fx: 781-581-5878
- Address: 20 Wheeler St. Lynn, MA 01902
As part of the larger KIPP MA network, KALC is rooted in the core KIPP values of rigorous academic preparation and relentless character development, while maintaining focus on achieving success to and through college and to leading a life of choice and independence. Go to KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate Indigo Society Poets Perform at KIPP School Summit to read a compelling poem written and performed by KALC students.
Our 2024-2025 Staff

Grades served

Our Values
Excellence • Team & Family • Courage • Zest • Grit
Our Demographics
Special Education: 16%
English Language Learners: 8%
Hispanic: 70%
Black: 20%
Asian: 4%
White: 3%
Multiracial: 3%
Receive Free or Reduced Priced Lunch*: 100%
School based counseling
The purpose of KIPP Academy’s counseling program is to empower all of our students to reach their fullest potential by providing a comprehensive school counseling program to support their academic, social, and emotional development. We believe that social/emotional support for students is inextricably linked to academic growth and achievement. We work to create a safe environment for our students to identify their interests and abilities, enhance self-expression and control, practice conflict-resolution skills and develop other competencies that will strengthen our students’ capabilities.

Special Education Services & Multi Language Learners
KIPP Academy provides extensive Special Education services in order to meet the unique needs detailed in a student’s IEP. Students receive services through general education teachers, special education teachers and related service providers. Multi language learners participate fully in KIPP Academy’s curriculum. Students may receive supplemental support from an MLL teacher to assist in English language acquisition. This service is provided in accordance with the student’s language level and is communicated to families.
Family Resources
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