New Research Shows KIPP Public Schools Are Closing the College Completion Gap!
Read the full study from Mathematica here.

Eight Essential Questions
Helping to prepare our students with the skills and confidence to pursue the paths they choose — college, career, and beyond is only possible if we know exactly how we are doing.
Data helps us understand what our true impact is, what is working, and what needs to be improved. Our Eight Essential Questions provide a yardstick by which to measure our progress, keep us focused as we grow, and—most important—help us keep the promises we make to our students and their families.
Are we reaching and partnering with the students and families we set out to?
Our student demographics mirror the districts we serve with comparable ELL, SPED, and Free/Reduced lunch numbers in both Lynn and Boston. Please refer to individual school pages for school-specific demographics.
Are our students staying with us?
We prioritize students not just starting with us, but staying with us. In 2023-2024, our regional attrition was 6.8% total, with our goal being below 6%.
Are our students growing and achieving?
We use internal assessments as well as state-wide assessments to monitor and drive student growth and achievement year after year. At the close of the 23-24 school year, 60% of K-4 students were performing in the top 3 quintiles overall on the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment in math, and 62% of K-4 students grew from the spring of 2024 to the fall of 2024 in ELA.
Are our students on the path to a fulfilled life?
Our KIPP Forward Team works to ensure students are supported in their postsecondary planning, matriculation and persistence in college, career and beyond. 83% of the Class of 2024 planned to matriculate to a 4 year college or university. 98% of the Class of 2024 graduated with a postsecondary plan in place.
Are we building a sustainable people model?
We work hard to ensure we are fully hired to meet the needs of our students and to retain our incredible staff members year after year. Over the last 4 years, our average staff retention has been 83%.
Are we building a sustainable financial model?
For fiscal year 2023-2024, we met all budget goals.
Are we making tangible progress and continuous growth on our journey to become an anti-racist organization?
Literacy is Liberation. In the 2023-2024 school year, we saw students whose foundational literacy skills were on grade level grow from 42% at the beginning of the school year to 66% at the end of the school year. We are continuing this focus on foundational literacy in school year 2024-2025.
Are we positively engaging families?
We believe in co-authoring with our families and monitor the effectiveness using a yearly Family Survey. In 2023-2024, 87% of families that took the survey agreed or strongly agreed that KIPP MA co-authors with families by walking together with shared power and responsibility with families to create and achieve a shared vision for our students and schools.
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