[one_fourth class=”first”]
KIPP Academy Lynn Elementary
Grades K-4
Application Deadline:
2/12/21 at 5pm
Lottery Dates:
Kindergarten: 3/2/21, 5:30-6:30 PM
1st-8th Grade: 3/3/21, 5:30-6:30 PM
Check out calendar listed here
Apply: Online Only
Lottery Location: 90 High Rock Street, Lynn, MA 01902
Contact: Mayreliz Perez
Contact Phone: 781-598-1609
Questions? Email lynnapplication@kippma.org
[/one_fourth][one_fourth class=”second”]
KIPP Academy Lynn
Grades 5-8
Application Deadline:
2/12/21 at 5pm
Lottery Date:
1st-8th Grade: 3/3/21, 5:30-6:30 PM
Check out calendar listed here
Apply: Online Only
Lottery Location: 90 High Rock Street, Lynn, MA 01902
Contact: Mayreliz Perez
Contact Phone: 781-598-1609
Questions? Email lynnapplication@kippma.org
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KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate
Grades 9-12
Application Deadline:
2/12/21 at 5pm
Lottery Dates:
9th-12th Grade: 3/4/21, 5:30-6:30 PM
Check out calendar listed here
Apply: Online Only
Lottery Location: 20 Wheeler St, Lynn, MA 01902
Contact: Monica Bruno
Contact Phone: 781-488-0087
Questions? Email lynnapplication@kippma.org
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KIPP Academy Boston K-8
Application Deadline:
Lottery Dates:
Kindergarten – 8th Grade: 3/9/21
Snow Date: 3/10/21
Grades: K-8
Apply: In person, by email or mail
Lottery Location: 37 Babson St, Mattapan, MA 02126
Contact: Livia Martinez
Contact Phone: 617-393-5682
Email bostonops@kippma.org
Eligibility Requirements
Massachusetts Residency
All applicants must be residents of Massachusetts to apply to enroll, and to attend KIPP Academy Lynn Charter School (KALCS) and KIPP Academy Boston Charter School (KABCS). Applicants are required to submit reasonable proof of residency at the time an offer of admission is made. Reasonable proof of residency includes documents such as a utility bill or signed lease. Other documents include a paycheck stub or at least two pieces of general mail with the listed address. Students and families who are experiencing homelessness should contact the school directly to discuss this requirement.
Age Requirements
A prospective student must turn 5 years old on or before September 1st of the year of enrollment. KALCS and KABCS will request reasonable proof of age related enrollment requirements. Students and families who are experiencing homelessness should contact the school directly to discuss this requirement.
Application Grade
Excluding Kindergarten students who have never attended school and students applying to attend KALPCS or KABPCS mid-year, a student must be in the grade preceding that for which he or she is applying in an upcoming school year.
Resident Preference
In the lottery, residents of the City of Lynn, the district served by KALPCS, will be given preference for admission over non-resident students for admission to KALPCS.
In the lottery, residents of the City of Boston, the district served by KABPCS, will be given preference for admission over non-resident students for admission to KABPCS.
Sibling Preference
In the lottery, siblings of enrolled students who attend KALPCS at the time an offer of admission is made, will be given preference over non-sibling applicants for admission KALPCS. Siblings are students who share a common parent, either biologically or legally through adoption.
In the lottery, siblings of enrolled students who attend KABPCS at the time an offer of admission is made, will be given preference over non-sibling applicants for admission KABPCS. Siblings are students who share a common parent, either biologically or legally through adoption.
How Enrollment Works
KIPP Academy Lynn Public Charter School and KIPP Academy Boston Public Charter Schools (collectively, KIPP Massachusetts or KIPP MA) are free public charter schools open to all Massachusetts children. If the number of applications exceeds the number of spaces available, a lottery is held to determine the order in which students are offered seats.
Once a student is selected the lottery and accepts a seat in either our Lynn district or our Boston district, the student may continue from grade to grade in the same district without ever having to reapply for a seat through the lottery process. For example, if a student were to accept a seat in our Lynn Kindergarten class (beginning fall 2017), that student could continue through 12th grade in our Lynn district without ever having to reapply through the lottery.
KIPP MA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or in a foreign language, or prior academic achievement (M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 89(m); 603 CMR 1.06(1). Additionally, KIPP Massachusetts may not set admissions criteria that are intended to discriminate or that have the effect of discriminating based upon any of these characteristics [[M.G.L. c. 71, § 89(1); 603 CMR 1.06(1)].
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