Strategies and Best Practices
As we navigate virtual learning, KIPP MA is committed to sharing best practices and strategies we learn along the way.
On the best practices page you will find common best practices at KIPP MA that occur regardless if students are in person or online. On the strategies page you will find the most up to date remote learning strategies we have implemented and found successful at KIPP MA.

KIPP MA Family Working Groups
As part of our commitment to co-authoring the educational experience with our community we have added working groups for core areas of our organization. These working groups are comprised of school staff, regional staff, leadership, parents, and community members. These groups discuss and help develop policy for our organization.
High Impact Instructional Practices (HIIP) Rubric
This rubric is used as a tool for coaches, principals, and instructional leaders to coach and evaluate teachers. This HIIP rubric is a common practice at KIPP MA.
Policies & Public Information
KIPP Academy Boston Charter Public School and KIPP Academy Lynn Charter Public School do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, homelessness, age, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, shall have equal access to the general education program and the full range of any and all education programs offered at our schools. Our Title IX coordinator can be reached at
Compliance Manager and Title IX Coordinator Contact Information:
Kate Kiley or
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